Tuesday, October 11, 2005

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24 Old Comments:

Name calling, threatening people and rehashing discredited frivolous arguments is your plan?

HA! With plans like that, its a wonder that you folks aren't in jail already.

Come on Dale, have you got a better plan or are you going to go back to your own brand of insults and illogic?


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 1:09 PM  

True Story,

An 81-year-old man, overseas action WW II and Korean War veteran, who filed his timely taxes for many years, was shocked one day when he received a notice from the IRS that he was delinquent. Upon receipt he promptly scoured his checkbook ledger to determine the exact nature and cause of the alleged problem. His ledger showed he had written a check for the correct amount, as determined by his tax preparer, and began correspondence with the IRS seeking resolution.

Problem one: He paid quarterly but by the time they bothered to notify him the penalties and interest were more than the bill. You see it sometimes takes the IRS to act timely. He contacted the taxpayer advocates office and they found no problem and couldn’t understand. Of course their records or what they received from the “service” was over two years old and the problem didn’t appear.

After many attempts to resolve this issue, time ticked on and the lack of response to the actual problem, and the pressure mounted.

Stay tuned for Part II, especially those Stalinist types who relish in other’s pain and anguish. CJ

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 1:11 PM  

It would be more prudent to leave the moral crisis that the Judge and Plaintiff have to live with from day-to-day to their own rather than reminding them of this fact.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 1:19 PM  

Reasonable Guy, you are welcome to leave the country anytime.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 1:57 PM  

It appears to the general public that you folks are the ones looking to leave or receive public services on the backs of tax payers who don't cheat the system.

Why don't you folks put what brain power and logic you do posess into the task of coming up with a plan to change the system you are so fond of cheating? Or would that be too much for you?

You know the law, now show me the plan to change it!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 2:18 PM  

Sorry, but income taxes DO NOT pay for any goods or public services. Wrong again.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 2:32 PM  

True Story Part II

Because his bride of 40 years died with Alzheimer’s disease, he, after a couple years of IRS trouble, began to wonder if he was losing his mind. This thought troubled him.

The thumb screw like pressure continued to mount even though they “service” never bothered to communicate as to whether he actually owed the extra or not. You see his checkbook entry was old by the time they contacted him and he attempted to reconcile it by paying again for his entry showed he wrote the check. The cashed check never appeared anywhere. The question becomes, did he write it and send it and they lost it or did he lose it prior to sending? Either way the idea that they lost it was never considered by the “service.”

With all seeming remedies, at his knowledge base and disposal, lost he finally told me and turned to me for help. By this time the “service” was threatening to take his small condo and other possessions, though not even a “Notice of lien” was filed. Scalpers began to contact him to “resolve” the matter for exhortative fees. It was later discovered that these “scalpers” might have actually been agents for or of the “service” upping the pressure.

I contacted and paid for a local attorney, who makes a living at IRS issues to resolve the case somehow, whether by negotiated amount or other.

Don’t go away…Stay tuned for Part III The Stalinists types will love it. CJ

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 2:32 PM  

The simplest system to tax all the people THAT WOULD BE CONSTITUTIONAL is a national sales tax. The reason the government does not want to do that is when a citizen went to buy a car and the tax was $12,00.00 then he would ask, "What the holy hell are you clowns spending my money on?"
Opps, no more pork projects! No more raises for Congress passed in the middle of the night. No more paying of IRS agents such as yourself. Now wouldn't it be a shame if you had to get a real job?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 2:44 PM  

Reasonable Guy my ass. No IRS agents such as yourself are reasonable so just who do you think you are fooling? Now if you called yourself SCUMBAG it would be descriptive of you and informative to the readers of your, “I’ve got to help shut these people up are the truth will spread.” Blog comments.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 2:54 PM  

True Story - finale Part III

To recap from parts I and II – An old veteran got sideways with the IRS and seemingly not due to his personal negligence. The service refused to consider any relevant facts and that he had timely filed all his life and continued. After much pressure and no resolution he asked for help… I continue…

During the time the attorney had the case, this older man had hip surgery and a few other ailments. He had diabetes that he had to control and as it is with age he became frailer. However during this time the IRS continued with their letter attacks copying him those documents sent to the attorney. Now we all know that the wheels of justice grind slow and that justice is not always justice…look how many innocent people have been freed from jail after proof they committed no crime. Look at the justice (just-us) happening in the Schiff trial, but I digress…

So the old man, having medical issues and pining over the fact that he couldn’t do for himself, (fight his battle as any ex-marine would want) and that he now began to believe he may be getting senile like his departed bride, he began to show all the signs that intense “stress” can bring.

I said good night to this older gentleman and left his condo for my own residence a couple miles away.

The next morning I didn’t hear from him, as was the norm. When I journeyed to his place I entered and looked about. Not finding him I began to wonder. I finally looked out on the enclosed patio to find his body lying over a box of newspapers and a bullet in his brain with those very brains oozing from his fractured skull. I also found the army type handgun he used. (see even in death he had honor and consideration to use the papers to catch the bullet so no harm could come to another).

The story I tell is true and for those who have yet to figure it out, the man was my father. CJ

For all those who I refer to as Stalinists, it is only because Stalin took great pleasure in the death of the millions he stole from leaving them with no way out! To revere a government that is akin to Stalin would lend one to believe that I live amongst many Stalinists.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 2:59 PM  

p.s. Stalin brought to ruin those people, BY LAW! CJ

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:00 PM  

"Sorry, but income taxes DO NOT pay for any goods or public services. Wrong again."

This is correct...it pays the interest on the national debt only. The continued accumulation of debt by the U.S. Federal Gvt. pays for public services which that expansion of debt is intended to continue until such time the country ends up in a debt collapse.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:13 PM  

Guys, look up the budget at the CBO website.

You are talking out your asses if you think income taxes are dedicated to interest payments.

The revenue sources are not, I repeat, not dedicated but pooled as general funds.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:21 PM  

And what does the general fund pay for? Interest for the debt and interest grows and does not get paid down...does it...is it?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:24 PM  

"Guys, look up the budget at the CBO website. You are talking out your asses if you think income taxes are dedicated to interest payments."

Shhh. The posters here are ignorant about how the government is funded in the real world.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:47 PM  

Reasonable Guy, you are welcome to leave the country anytime. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable in Cuba.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:52 PM  


I'll save your lazy minds the trouble, here it is.

Personal income taxes in FY '04 accounted for 43% of revenue.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:54 PM  

hahaha Cuba evacuates it's population without one death.
Must have something on the ball.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:55 PM  

Your are welcome to leave the country anytime if you prefer socialism and communism perhaps you would be more well adjusted in Bejing.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 3:56 PM  


Im sorry to here about your loss. My father went through a similar situation with the IRS. Although the our stories differ a bit up until the end. The result was the same. My father was a Navy vet and was only 49.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 4:15 PM  

Wonder why Irwin thought that he could get in testimony from Joe Banister, John Turner or Bob Schulz anyway? None of it was the least bit relevant to Irwin's trial.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 4:15 PM  

United States Congressional Record - March 17, 1993 - Vol. #33, page H-1303 - Speaker- Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:

"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise."

Its obvious that taxes do nothing to pay for anything. America, along with SOME of its citizens are also bankrupt and simply antagonistic.

The best thing is not feed these trolls, and answer with nothing less than authority. Let them counter with their own supposed authority for the truth.

The next post should have an impact upon those that need to be awake to a little unpublished truth.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 4:28 PM  

"Your are welcome to leave the country anytime if you prefer socialism and communism perhaps you would be more well adjusted in Bejing."

The irony....Beijing- PRC, where Americans and Europeans are swarming to form new businesses in the new home of capitalism...

BTW, the U.S. war on Cuba is to give the appearance that the U.S. is not a communist country...nothing could be further from the truth.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 4:31 PM  

Dear CL,
We understand what the self righteous only think they know.

One point to our story, is that the Fed's only discriminate when they need to hide it. Age doesn't matter, young or old.

I am too sorry you had a similar experience.

It is not as much fun as the "Non-Koolaid" drinking crowd thinks it is...untill they accidentally get in the cross hairs. CJ

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 6:35 PM