Trial Logs
Our government's ability to incarcerate innocent people is evidenced by the number of those being exonerated, most often through DNA evidence. These wrongful convictions evidence our judicial system's failure. Trial Logs is currently covering the government's prosecution of those who question the application of the income tax laws. It is our hope that this coverage will help us understand the failings of our justice system and help those struggling to comprehend this nation's income tax laws.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
11 Old Comments:
One of my fellow federal Prosecutors made a comment on these blogs asking anyone to explain how the tax system could be improved. So here is their answer!!
The simplest system to tax all the people THAT WOULD BE CONSTITUTIONAL is a national sales tax. The reason the government does not want to do that is when a citizen went to buy a car and the tax was $12,000.00 then he would ask, "What the holy hell are you clowns spending my money on?"
Opps, no more pork projects! No more raises for Congress passed in the middle of the night. No more paying of IRS agents or Federal Prosecutors to illegally prosecute people who tell the truth. Now wouldn't it be a shame if frank buckner and his fellow soulless buddies have to get a real job?
I sure hope the jury has not heard of jury nullification cause if they have I’ll be looking for a job very soon.
By The Law, at 10/13/2005 11:27 PM
Judge Dawson’s jury instructions were expected and as illegal as he could make them. However this jury will see the light and free the last patriot, Irwin Schiff.
On another subject ,isn't it comforting to know the federal government employs frank buckner, anonymous guy and the other obvious anonymous government bloggers? They demonstrate their vast knowledge of the English language, writing skills and imagination when all their blogs end up being childlike attacks!
However, it is encouraging to know if that’s the best the prosecutors/IRS can offer then the real patriots have nothing to worry about.
By The Law, at 10/13/2005 11:32 PM
One of my fellow federal Prosecutors made a comment on these blogs asking anyone to explain how the tax system could be improved. Which, after the verdict will have to be done or there will be a riot! Just sorry I will not be around to screw it up.
Anyway, So here is their answer!
The simplest system to tax all the people THAT WOULD BE CONSTITUTIONAL is a national sales tax. The reason the government does not want to do that is when a citizen went to buy a car and the tax was $12,000.00 then he would ask, "What the holy hell are you clowns spending my money on?"
Opps, no more pork projects! No more raises for Congress passed in the middle of the night. No more paying of IRS agents or Federal Prosecutors to illegally prosecute people who tell the truth. Now wouldn't it be a shame if frank buckner and his fellow soulless buddies have to get a real job?
I sure hope the jury has not heard of jury nullification cause if they have I’ll be looking for a job very soon.
By The Law, at 10/13/2005 11:37 PM
Strange as it seems, the Mormon Church incorporates the United States Constitution as part of what their members are to abide by. Since Judge Dawson is a member of the Mormon Church one would think he has put his immortal soul at risk by ignoring the Constitution during the Irwin Shift trial. I have to believe if I had to either succumb to the pressure being put on Judge Dawson by the real powers in the United States to convict Mr. Schiff verses going to hell, then since being damned to hell lasts a lot longer then a lifetime, I’d be inclined to tell those earthly powers to STICK IT WHERE THE SUN DON’T SHINE! But, that would also require the good Judge to have a smidge of integrity and backbone which he clearly lacks. And Judge Dawson’s JURY INSTUTIONS will get him a seat in the front row in hell!
By The Law, at 10/13/2005 11:43 PM
After hearing Judge Dawson’s Jury instructions I am, once again, in awe of and grateful to one of the authors of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson. Isn’t it amazing he had the vision to know that JURY NULIFICATION would one day be the only way a man could receive justice in a federal court. When he wrote, “During a jury trial the jury is the only authority and if they find the law to be unfair or that a judge has overstepped his authority then they, the jury, can and should do the just thing. And when they post their verdict announce, for all the world to hear, that such law or judge should be changed, reprimanded or judged himself.
We, the true patriots, must all hope at least one member of the jury understands this most important element of our jury system.
By The Law, at 10/14/2005 12:02 AM
I guess it’s time I tell the truth. I think Mr. Schiff is innocent but I need my job as an IRS agent so I lad to write those thing my boss and Judge Dawson told me to. Didn’t I?
By The Law, at 10/14/2005 12:13 AM
Paymons Freedom callin posts are a waste to this blog. We are here to hear from those that are actually at the trial. Paymon is not at the trial. So who ever is posting paymons BS should stop wasting our time!
, atblackhorse is a pussy.
, atOpps! I meant to say "I am a pussy" Sorry Mr. Black Horse.
By The Law, at 10/14/2005 6:46 PM
I feel like the government has played a hand they cant win. Oh they may get a conviction, but the freedom movemont will get so much attention it may be the best thing that has ever happened. Irwin might loose the round in this court but even the judge knows it will be overturned and then theres more people shown what the truth really is. And the best part is it will be just before all the state elections and a lot of officals will not get reelected. I know one judge thats going to get impeached for not upholding the consitution, which he took an oath to do. And the best part is Irwin wanted to get this to the Supreme Court because then their ruling will end this bogus tax that the IRS, which is not a government agency judge, runs around prosecuting people for. I tried to tell the fed prosecutors they were biting off more than they could chew, so now we should thank the feds for the attention they have swung our way. I wish they would have allowed cameras in the court, gosh this is such a point in history to not have visual on. Does anyone know if the fed prosecutors are liable for civil suits when all is said and done? Thanks Irwin for making us stronger in knowledge, stronger in numbers, they didnt see it coming nor will they forget it anytime soon......
, at
This is not me:
What fingerprints did this scum leave when he registered?
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