Irwin Schiff Trial update from Mike Golden the Radio Rebel
Trial Logs
Our government's ability to incarcerate innocent people is evidenced by the number of those being exonerated, most often through DNA evidence. These wrongful convictions evidence our judicial system's failure. Trial Logs is currently covering the government's prosecution of those who question the application of the income tax laws. It is our hope that this coverage will help us understand the failings of our justice system and help those struggling to comprehend this nation's income tax laws.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
23 Old Comments:
"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."
Thomas Jefferson
"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."
Thomas Jefferson
And as an aside, I personally find these more appropriate than the Hollywood movie quotes posted earlier. CJ
CJ, why don't you point out that it was Jefferson himself who helped to draft Article I, Section 8, which gives Congress an almost unlimited right to tax.
, at
I see the usual suspects lurking on this site to refute any and all posts, have pounced within seconds!
It's a good thing you all have government jobs, or you wouldn't be able to fulfill your destinies as worthless parasites!
No problemo anon. 5:13pm. I began to explain WHY they placed that in the Constitution in another post, but I guess you didn’t read… The article mentioned is not a problem until the Marxist, Stalinist, empire seekers and gods unto themselves used it in a manner to oppress. It then became a problem but that was NOT until the SPANISH AMERICAN WAR when America set out in Conquest of other nations. Read the Treaty of Peace and learn what became of those conquered people. They became Art. 1 Sec. 8 Clause 17 Citizens called US Citizens. THIS WAS NEVER SUPPOSED to happen to the American people but it did after 1933 and with the SS act.
So Jefferson and the others, who I might add, can be quoted here but my Marxist opposition can only quote Hollywood movies for they cannot find any American forefather that supported communism, tyranny, oppression and guess what Folks, not even Income taxation, for they knew of and hated the results of even the tea tax etc…
Art.1 Sec. 8, clause 17 was placed in the Constitution, as the framers needed a territory where they could hire their own police type guards to protect them because sillies like those that attack Irwin were seeking to assassinate many of the early patriots. Seems as though many sick minded then, as today, had their heads buried up the anal orifice of their flesh and blood King.
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."
Thomas Jefferson CJ
oops it was 5:25pm I placed my above response to. Sorry, even monkeys fall out of trees sometimes. CJ
, at
It would be appreciated if any reporters for the BLOG
get their notes organized so as to be able to present succinctly and accurately the events of the trial.
Thank you.
"The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property." Karl Marx
US Senate Document #43; Senate Resolution No. 62 (pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933.
“The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”
"Death solves all. One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic." Joseph Stalin
Just trying to help my opposition. CJ
It's been said, "MONEY is the root of all EVIL."
I think it could be said that the "Question" is the root of all knowledge. And the ansewer to any question is either founded on TRUTH or FASLEHOOD.
Those who deal in lies and falsehood must operate in secret, they distort the truth, cover it up and hide it from view at all cost....But those who deal in the TRUTH have nothing to hide, and welcome open and honest exposure of all the facts...including "The Law."
Then again, you can outfit a thief in a Black robe,and call them a Justice, but that doesn't make them just!!!
Let the LIGHT of TRUTH shine brightly on Erwin...My prayers are with him.
It's been said, "MONEY is the root of all EVIL."
I think it could be said that the "Question" is the root of all knowledge. And the ansewer to any question is either founded on TRUTH or FASLEHOOD.
Those who deal in lies and falsehood must operate in secret, they distort the truth, cover it up and hide it from view at all cost....But those who deal in the TRUTH have nothing to hide, and welcome open and honest exposure of all the facts...including "The Law."
Then again, you can outfit a thief in a Black robe,and call them a Justice, but that doesn't make them just!!!
Let the LIGHT of TRUTH shine brightly on Erwin...My prayers are with him.
Oh, and one final thought, if the Article 1 taxing clause gave "almost limitless power of taxation", why did they need the 16th Amendment???
Because Philander Knox is just as crooked as contemporary thieves... Did I say thieves...?
Because Philander Knox wanted a direct unapportioned tax for his federal cronies.
Dear Denise, Please read and comprehend prior to attack.
I (CJ) was merely responding to someone else post. READ my post and you will see that I did not say Jefferson wrote the Constitution. Fact is I have placed many quotes of Madison on other threads.
IF YOU WILL READ you will see that I explained WHY Art. 1 Sec. 8 Clause 17 was in and what has happened because of it, wrongly so.
I then said that Jefferson and others can be quoted as opposed to the opposition, which it seems you want to be, wherein the opposition cannot find founding fathers quotes in favor of communism etc...
I then said the framers, generic, and did not mention Jefferson as a framer for I have previously talked about Madison.
And Lastly I quoted Jefferson for I had intended on using he rather than Washington and Madison that I had already used.
Now with regard to YOUR Big Time Error with taxation.
People, such as US CITIZENS are basically owned by the Federal Government as are Puerto Ricans, those in Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. These people fall under the Legislative Democracy and HAVE TO, BY LAW, OBTAIN A SS NUMBER TO WORK IN AMERICA. For Americans with a birthright it is VOLUNTARY!
You volunteered and didn't read the entire act I bet! What did you voluteer for and to do? Did you voluntarily change your status/citizenship. Did this whole set up begin with reconstruction? Have you read the Treaty of Peace. So many issues I cannot explain to you on this forum.
"CJ, why don't you point out that it was Jefferson himself who helped to draft Article I, Section 8, which gives Congress an almost unlimited right to tax."
Dear Denise, go way back on the blogs and you well find, by me, a thumbnail with regard to the taxing clauses, the 16th etc... and not just one liners. Heck go back to the previous thread and you can read some about the re-construction.
Have you read Van Valkenburg v. Brown? or Downes v. Bidwell? When you do you will begin to see from reconstruction to near the turn of the last century.
You then will lose your questions about the 16th etc...and find answers.
So before you make outlandish attacks that have no merit, stop and think, don't act like one of THEM! We are not at war aganst our fellow man I hope. Sincerely, CJ
Dear Denise, Article 1, SEction 8, clause 17, the subject of my posts does NOT have anything to do with taxing clauses.
I hope we can converse from now on without the Admonitions
Peace CJ
DEAR Denise,
I am sorry. The truth and facts are attacked so often that I failed to recognize. My words have been attacked as well as many others.
That's two oops for me in one day...I resign for the day.
but as stated even monkeys fall out of trees. CJ
It's not only that Jefferson didn't write the Constitution; he didn't like it but succumbed, as did others, that it was the best that could be done. Patrick Henry was totally against it and would have amended the Articles of Confederation instead. Hamilton, the Tory, was the driver of the Constitution, although it was written by Madison.
By Unknown, at 10/12/2005 6:51 PM
so the little judge was sweating today was he?...the curtain has been pulled; it is too late to stop the dam from breaking.
Amazing how the gov't apologists now call these black robed crooks "legal scholars"....Section 1 makes all liable does it?...ha!
How are they going to explain they never had the authority to put people behind bars, steal houses, cars and all the billions of cash dollars of private receipts.
Get ready for the fall of these crooks and oh what a big fall it will be!
Good News for all you blood sucking government leaches! A newspaper headline in today’s newspaper reads – “Federal panel proposes limiting home mortgage deduction and employer/employee paid health insurance deductions.”
For a long time now the IRS has been promising simplify tax returns and soon they will make good on that promise.
Line 1. How much did you earn?
Line 2. How much money did your employer steal from your paycheck and give to the IRS?
* INSTRUCTIONS FOR LINE 3. - Subtract Line 2. from Line 1. and enter the difference on Line 3.
Line 3. Send the difference to the IRS.
How much simpler could it be???
I know that all you fat, greasy and lazy government parasites are probably high fiving each other about now …but, your triumphant celebration is likely to be short lived. The heavy oppressive hand of government is being made to bear down upon the people with such a terrible degree of intensity and force that, the government’s normally relied upon panacea of sophisticated propaganda and mind control designed to block, or filter out the true nightmarish reality in which we truly live is almost totally ineffective now.
Those holding the reigns of power within our government know full well that, the pressures exerted upon the people by their despotic government is quickly reaching critical mass and all hell is about to break loose. For this reason we are witnessing our government quickly ratcheting up the screws of tyranny in a desperate attempt to keep the lid on the pressure cooker for as long as possible. However, history teaches us that no despotic government can hope for long to forcibly lord over a people who are determined to be free.
An undeniable character flaw of all governments is, - no government is self-limiting. Unless government is kept in check by its creators, it will keep on expanding its powers and keep on enslaving the people until the people are forced into revolt.
"is quickly reaching critical mass"
Yeah, nationwide there were as many as 60 people on Peymon's conference calls, including probably 20 who weren't tax protestors but merely listening for amusement.
60 people, whoooo, hooooo.
When will you TP's get the difference between legality and morality?
You all know the law is legal and reiterating discredited frivolous arguments won't change the law.
If you get that the law may be simultaneously legal and immoral, what is your plan to change the law?
Bitching, whining, and insulting the judge and jury isn't a plan.
This should be all about jurisdiction. There are 50 Title in the US code. Title 26 is one of them and it is not positive law but Special Law. Congress only has legistive juridiction over District of Columbia (10 mile square), the territories and federal enclaves within the 50 sovereign states. These areas are not restricted by the Constitution so Congress can make all the laws they want. However, if the laws are to apply to the 50 sovereign states, laws must be published in the Federal Register. If not, they have no affect of law.
, atThe Federal Income Tax is just what it is called. It is a tax on Federal income. If you do not work for the Federal government, your income from private sector employers are not taxable. Most of you are not even considered an "Employee". To be an employee, you must work for the Federal government. Look up the definition of the word employee in the IRC. In tax law, words have different meaning.
, at
Anonymous said...
The Federal Income Tax is just what it is called. It is a tax on Federal income. If you do not work for the Federal government, your income from private sector employers are not taxable.
Come again?
The income tax is referred to as "Federal" so you won't confuse it with the "State" income tax.
You are too funny (or pathetic).
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