Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Irwin Schiff Trial Coverage by Freedom Law School (Segment 1 of 2)

7 Old Comments:

I have 2 letters from US congressmen stating that 6331(a), which is always omitted on liens and levies, states that 6331 "does not provide authority to levy wages of private citizens in the private sector".

Read it for yourself.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/28/2005 10:39 PM  

My current 6331 web page

Supporting links for my page not presently on my page:
IRC Sec. 6331
Sec. 301.6331-1 Levy and distraint.

I have additional information which will be incorporated when I re-write the 6331 page and move it to my new web site.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/28/2005 11:51 PM  

Blah blah blah, so what, you have two letters from US congressmen. Has that stopped us from doing anything yet. NO it has not. YOu can take those two letters and 6331 and wipe with it. It doesn't matter you idiots, so stop fighting and pay your taxes and do as you are told. DOn't you get it. We already know there is no law, but you have all been determined to citizens of the UNited States of America (Incorporated) and the law doesn't apply to you, neither does the US Constitution. Now that I've told you, you now know why Irwin will not win this case. He is arguing law as if it applied to him. Well it doesn't because he gave up his US Constitutional rights a long time ago, and he was not even aware when he did it, neither did you idiots.

Its like the mark of the beast. And he causeth every man to take the mark, either on his forehead or on his hand. He that hath not the mark, can neither sell or buy anything. You all are marks and you don't know it. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

You idiots can't even get a 20 man march, let alone a million man march. YOu're not organized and will tear you to pieces one at a time. Smack the shephard and the sheep will skatter. As soon as we take Irwin down, we will have no problem with you all complying. WATCH AND SEE. YOU TP's


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/29/2005 12:13 AM  

anonymous quatloos, you are so confusing that you confuse yourself. You said:

"DOn't you get it. We already know there is no law, but you have all been determined to citizens of the UNited States of America (Incorporated) and the law doesn't apply to you, neither does the US Constitution."

Well, if there is "no law", how can it (no law) apply to anyone - citizen of the US or not?!!

You also said: "Now that I've told you, you now know why Irwin will not win this case. He is arguing law as if it applied to him."

Well, if there is "no law", how can Irwin "argue law"?!!

Anyway, if there was a law, exactly who would it apply to - citizen of the US or alien?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/29/2005 9:10 AM  

Anonymous said...
"I have 2 letters from US congressmen stating that 6331(a), which is always omitted on liens and levies, states that 6331 "does not provide authority to levy wages of private citizens in the private sector". Read it for yourself."

If you have the letters post them somewhere for all to see.

If you don't post them then you don't have them.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/29/2005 11:26 AM  

If you have the letters post them somewhere for all to see.

77 kb pdf

70 kb jpg

Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/29/2005 1:18 PM  

If you are NOT a quatloser, please refrain from posting as such.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/29/2005 1:20 PM