Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Irwin Schiff Trial update by Mike Golden

1 Old Comments:

My two-cents...

Our Constitution as originally written did allow slavery, if one of the SOVEREIGN (as in separate, my border is my border, nation-state) governments chose to allow it. The 13th amendment made slavery unconstitutional & the SOVEREIGN states ratified it as OK.

But then the other shoe dropped, although it has taken over 135 years, the 14th amendment kicked every bit of SOVEREIGNTY out of the Constitution. There are no differences between SOVEREIGN states because we now have dual citizenship--one to the State (nation) we live in, another in the UNITED STATES (Nation). I believe the 13 states formed the United "STATES," the 14th amendment has been used to make us the United Citizens...who aren't truly united.

Centralized government WAS NEVER envisioned by any of our founding fathers...but Karl Marx sure knew how to do it.

But the USSR had a few problems implementing their "experiment" in a classless society....
First, they did it violently.

It is much easier to get people to let you do what you want without a fight, if they invite you in to "help." Labor, social, civil right programs....

Second, they didn't control the money because they didn't have the infrastructure.

Third, they didn't have the infrastructure (b/c they didn't have the money--I know it's a closed loop) in place to easily direct, control or otherwise manage daily life through commerce, transportation or communication.

In the US, we've got every control point covered...anybody read a local paper about truly local issues recently. There are no more local issues, they all have become "NATIONAL" (Central) concerns. Everything else is standardized...roads, tv, stores, etc.

I could go on, but then some might feel I don't have a "plan" or am only a "TP'er"....

The tax issues ya'll are taking time to address, while very valid & interesting to read, are but ONE portion of the problem & in fact a mere symptom of the underlying disease.

You & I are We. We the People.

While We are busy fighting each other, We're not busy watching the back door.

I don't care if you're a Quatloos-dude or a Tax Challenger...We are all Citizens complaining about the same things, only in different ways about different issues.

You don't like Taxprotestors & feel they should pay their "fair share"...really? And when the United States decides that "fair share" should go to subsidize oil drilling in your own backyard?

Without money there is no can't do good by doing evil. No matter side of an issue you're on, some day you'll be upset because your "fair share" is being used to pay, fund, subsidize, support something you don't probably already are, don't like the war in Iraq? Brought to you by the US taxpayer...if there wasn't a blank check, the war would be over.

Go ahead and complain that I took all the Blog space...don't worry, I'm sure they'll make more ;) is still a free country on paper at least.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/28/2005 9:21 PM